Sunday, January 1, 2017

Resolutions for 2017

One of my New Year resolutions is to limit the usage of WhatsApp and Facebook.

  • I will be checking Facebook twice or at max thrice a week. 
  • I will be checking WhatsApp group messages just twice a day.
  • I will also be exiting from forwards-intensive WhatsApp groups. 

Time being spent in reading/ deleting / forwarding an unending stream of jokes, images, GIFs, videos is turning out to be a very high opportunity cost.

WhatsApp has become the primary means to spread rumours, hoaxes and mis-information. Hardly any day goes by without seeing a forwarded message claiming imaginary things such as "NASA discovers sound of Om in Sun" or "Acupressure cured cancer".
What's interesting is: If you have access to WhatsApp, you can access Google (both require Internet) but no one pauses to validate such content.
Whichever groups am part of, I always make it a point to refute such messages, and possibly turn myself into the most hated member of the group  The intention is not to embarrass anyone but to make them aware that by forwarding such false information, they are lowering the cumulative IQ of the entire group.

So, next time anyone tells you China Wall is the only man-made object that can be seen from space, go Google!

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