I use an electronic version of the same concept.
StickyPad from Green Eclipse Software is a freeware that lets you create small sticky notes, scribble some stuff on them and then ‘paste’ them on your desktop. This is a great way to keep a track of small but numerous tasks that one needs to do in office or at home.
StickyPad primarily helps as a slate or small whiteboard to make quick notes throughout the day. Here is a screen grab of my desktop as it looks right now.
Furthermore, StickyPad allows you to:
- Drag and pin the notes to any position on desktop
- Give individual colours to each sticky note, for easier identification
- Set reminders for alerts to be raised when an item is due
- Save the notes as a file for future reference
- Send the notes as an e-mail attachment
- Print the notes if you wish to have a hard copy
- Hide/Close/Delete notes once the tasks are done
Of course, StickyPad doesn’t have all the features of more powerful tools like Microsoft Outlook, but on the upside, it is easy to install, configure & manage; does not require too much efforts to use; doesn’t hog much resources (memory, desktop space) and most importantly, it is free!
Using StickyPad has enhanced my productivity by quite a few notches, and saved me the headache of having missed a small but significant task.